Ibeyi Live at Pitchfork [GALLERY]

Photos © 2019 by: Roman Sobus

Photos © 2019 by: Roman Sobus

Check out more great live photos here!

Biography: Ibeyi are 20 years old French Cuban twins, Naomi and Lisa-Kainde Diaz. They are daughters of the late Cuban percussionist Angà Diaz. Naomi plays percussive instruments, the Cajon and the Batas, while Lisa-Kainde plays piano. Together the twins sing and combine modern pop, hip-hop and electronic influences with the traditional sounds of their father’s Yoruba culture.

Ibeyi, their debut album, will be released via XL Recordings on 16th February (17th in US).

Ibeyi c’est Lisa-Kainde et Naomi Diaz, deux jumelles franco-cubaines. Tout juste 20 ans. Filles du grand percussionniste disparu Anga Diaz, Naomi joue la percussion, le Cajon et les tambours Batas, tandis que Lisa-Kainde joue du piano. Ensemble, elles chantent, elles mixent la pop, le hip-hop avec des influences électroniques et les invocations traditionnelles Yoruba, inspirées de leur culture paternelle.

Ibeyi, c’est leur premier album qui sortira sur le label XL Recordings, le 16 Février ( le 17 aux USA).

Ibeyi: Lisa-Kainde y Naomi Diaz, dos gemelas franco cubanas de 20 años. Hijas del fallecido percusionista Angà Diaz. Naomi toca la percusión, el Cajón y los tambores Batas, mientras Lisa-Kainde toca el piano. Las gemelas cantan, combinan la pop, el hip-hop con influencias electrónicas y la tradición Yoruba de su cultura paterna.

Ibeyi, su primer álbum, será lanzado vía el label XL Recordings el 16 de Febrero (17 en los USA).


Official: N/A
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ibeyimusic/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ibeyiofficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ibeyiofficial/

Pitchfork Music Festival:

Official: https://pitchforkmusicfestival.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PitchforkMusicFestival
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pitchforkfest/

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